Friday, August 3, 2012

Sixth Day, The Last

I have so much to tell my colleagues and share with them when I get back. We received some more great information about Korean students today, and why the come to America in almost unprecented numbers. Being able to speak English is the only way to be hired by a large Korean company like LG or Samsung. These companies are in international business, and the common trade language in East Asia in now English, not Chinese. If a child can get a good American education, they can pass the English test required by these companies and be assured a steady, high-paying job.

On the cultural side of things, we had a Tae kwon do lesson. The leader of the martial arts group was handsome like a Korean soap opera actor. He gave us a short self-defense lesson and then when got to break boards. I broke one with a side kick and one with my fist; students beware!

To continue with the yin and the yang, we had a tea ceremony demonstration right after the martial arts exhibition.

But the best part of the seminar, hanging out with all the pretty Korean ladies. Below is me with Helie Lee, author of Still Life with Rice, our co-host, and one of the founding memebers of KAFE.

This has been one of the best seminars I have ever been to. I learned so much, I was treated so well, and I was given so many materials. First class all the way. Thank you KAFE, and thank you Mary Connor for allowing me to come.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fifth Day

Dear Reader,

I will make my post brief tonight because it has been a long day. I just got back from the Korean Cultural Center where we had Korean food, again, and watched the Korean movie "A Long Way Home." I will not issue any spoilers other than to say that, once again, Choco-Pies were an important plot element.

Today was art day. We learned about classical Korean arts, and I have some interesting information and lesson plans for our art teacher. We also veiwed an exhibit of Korean folk art and met some of the artist, one of whom is the living master of the genre.

I learned some interesting things about Koreans who come to school in America, which I will save for my full presentation next week. We also had Korean snack time Shirmp crackers and rice punch, yum yum.

Finally, here is something for Matt Irvin. Right across the street from the KCC is Whimsical Alley, a Harry Potter themed store. You can buy an entire Hogwarts' school uniform from the house of your choice, probably for about $300-400. They also have wands, posters, and about anything else Harry Potter that is made.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fourth Day

Today, we began with a long discussion about North Korea. Is it really a threat? Will the Koreas every be unifed? Dr. David Kang, the specialist on North Korea at USC and the guy the news media always calls when they have a question about the Hermit Kingdom, says that the issue is very complicated. The North Korean regime is on its third leader from the same family, but it is a Confucian dictatorship. The people's loyalty is to their leader and the "father" of their country Kim Il Sung. They revere him so much and believe that his son and grandson were and are legitimate rulers as well. The Confucian values of the North Korean people make loyalty to their leader their number one priority. And since they are united against a common enemy, the U.S., they have a cause that keeps them patriotic and xenophobic.

The regime's story is this:

1.      We are the true Koreans.

2.      We are protecting you from the west and Japan.

3.      If that requires sacrifice, it is a price we will pay.

The Koreas maybe united one day, but according to Dr. Kang, it will be very expensive for the South Koreans, because they will have to support the North and bring up their standard of living. And, the best way to topple the regime is to show them that capitalism and its economic benefits are the way to go. In other words, there will be no Arab Spring in North Korea.

There is hope though. Check out this article about the "Choco Pie Effect":

On the lighter side, for lunch we went to a Korean restaurant and had rice-stuffed roasted chicken in ginger/garlic broth. Yum, yum! Korean comfort food.

After lunch, we went to the local Buddhist temple and were lead in chants and meditation by The Venerable Jongmae Park. I hope I win his book about Buddhism in the drawing tomorrow. He has a Dalai Lama vibe to him. He is a peaceful man who has compassion for others and a wicked sense of humor. He suggested that a good time to meditate is while you are sitting on the toilet in the morning.

After learning that desire causes suffering, we journeyed to the Korean shopping mall. It was like any other mall except it had a Korean food court and a Korean grocery. I will try to bring some goodies back to share.

Tonight, my friend Manuel is taking me to authentic southern Mexican food. A rare treat he tells me. This good, I like Korean food, but it is time for a change.