Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fifth Day

Dear Reader,

I will make my post brief tonight because it has been a long day. I just got back from the Korean Cultural Center where we had Korean food, again, and watched the Korean movie "A Long Way Home." I will not issue any spoilers other than to say that, once again, Choco-Pies were an important plot element.

Today was art day. We learned about classical Korean arts, and I have some interesting information and lesson plans for our art teacher. We also veiwed an exhibit of Korean folk art and met some of the artist, one of whom is the living master of the genre.

I learned some interesting things about Koreans who come to school in America, which I will save for my full presentation next week. We also had Korean snack time Shirmp crackers and rice punch, yum yum.

Finally, here is something for Matt Irvin. Right across the street from the KCC is Whimsical Alley, a Harry Potter themed store. You can buy an entire Hogwarts' school uniform from the house of your choice, probably for about $300-400. They also have wands, posters, and about anything else Harry Potter that is made.

1 comment:

  1. Chuck, I'm just now catching up on the past 3 days. It sounds like you're getting a valuable education, and I can't wait to hear your presentation to our faculty!
